Videos from the Kallah presented on March 20, 2022
“The Future of Synagogue” with Rabbi Julia Appel (CLAL – The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership) and Rabbi Yael Splansky (Holy Blossom Temple)
The pandemic exacerbated Jewish communal trends that were already there – disaffiliation, financial stress, generational shift, inaccessibility, focus on continuity at the expense of caring. Together we’ll consider: What is the future of synagogue? What has changed and what is here to stay? What is the value of a local synagogue community, as opposed to live-streamed services from elsewhere? Why shouldn’t we go back to the way things were? And what do we need to do in order to leave the pandemic behind?
“Decontamination: Our Responsibility to Humanity and the Planet” with Rabbi Shalom Schachter (ISARC – Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition) and Rabbi Bill Tepper (Holy Blossom Temple)
Based on the special portion for Shabbat Parah, we explore the spiritual decontamination process, which enabled the affected to still join in the communal Pesach rituals. Based on the Haftarah, which chastises B’nai Yisrael for defiling the land, we discuss Jewish responses to climate change. These themes are particularly relevant given our pandemic experiences and this year of Shmitah.